Monday, March 7, 2011


So, along with Every Man's Battle. I'm also reading a book for Discovery 2 class, called The Greatest Secret by Rob McIntosh. The basic premise of the book is changing your thinking based on the God's Law of Attraction.  In the third chapter it talks about the ability to form positive habits in a 21 day time period. So i decided to set a few goals for myself in an attempt to jumpstart positive effects in my life.

I'm not the smallest guy, and it has been a concern for me that my health will cause me to not live as long or as abundantly as I could. So the next twenty one days I'm dedicating to improving my health status. Exercise five days a week. Controlled portions of food. And water.

I don't plan to stop at 21 days but I figure setting a short term goal and expanding it is the way to go. I'm putting practical application to the theory I'm reading so it should be good. Wish me luck.

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