I know it's been a minute but I've been pouring my time into family and making my life more consistent. I've also been honored to use my gift in the past few weeks on the stage at Greenwood so that's been a blessing for me as well.
The next thing I'll be doing to honor the Lord on on this, Holy Week, will be as a poet apart of the Seven Saying of Christ service. Each of us have one of the seven last saying and I got, It Is Finished. I can't begin to describe how much this pushed me to really dig into what Christ did on the cross for us, and how important, and consequently unimportant certain things are in our lives. So I pose this question to myself and anyone reading.
How bad do you want to be whole? How important are your idiosyncrasies and hang ups that you really want to hold on to them rather than experience the life of freedom provided for us by Christ's salvation? I'll end off with an excerpt from the piece I plan to perform:
"...Choosing to embrace my debauchery
and enjoy the forbidden pleasures
of my secret sins,
i was determined to forfeit my chance
at greatness
for a moment of fleeting carnality."
Is that you?